Photography Tours

The real secret of this land is the simplicity that offers us: the silence, the natural environment and its unusual lights. Swedish Lapland is a unique and boundless territory that deserves to be shown in all its beauty.

For photography lovers, we offers courses, workshops and photo trips, aimed at savouring the magic of the Arctic, capturing the aurora and its landscapes while discovering its customs and traditions. Rich in lakes and almost entirely covered with woods, this environment hides elks, lynxes, wolverines, bears and an infinite number of birds so it won’t be difficult to come across exciting sightings! The climate in Lapland is extreme: in summertime the sun never sets while on winter nights it is easy to see incredible northern lights.

This package provides the photographical assistance required in order to try out your professional equipment on a daily basis, portraying nature and animals guided by the experience of Edoardo Miola, an NPS photographer.

Edoardo Miola was born in Genoa. An architect since 1979, a photographer, he has carried out reportages and workshops around the world and exhibitions both in Italy and abroad. Since 1972 he has devoted a great deal of his attention to travel and recognises the true value of knowledge and discovery to “slow wandering”.

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